The BOOSTEE-CE (Boosting Energy Efficiency in Central European Cities through Smart Energy Management) project will develop and implement technical solutions, strategies, management approaches & financing schemes to achieve higher Energy Efficiency (EE) in public buildings. This will be achieved through a transnational cooperation and using geospatial data, smart energy management tools and energy audit to facilitate the implementation of EE buildings. The final aim is to improve the governance of EE in existing public buildings (within Pilot Actions) and ultimately reduce energy consumption. The project consortium involves 7 Central Europe countries, with 13 project partners. WEBSITE FACEBOOK


BOOSTEE-CE will soon come to an end delivering practical results and effective tools

BOOSTEE-CE will soon come to an end delivering practical results and effective tools

The project BOOSTEE-CE (Boosting energy efficiency in Central European cities through smart energy management) was designed to deliver functional solutions in the Energy Efficiency (EE) field and to evaluate...

BOOSTEE CE video – Train the Trainers

BOOSTEE CE video – Train the Trainers

Project BOOSTEE-CE video

Project BOOSTEE-CE video

Watch our new video!

Methodology to collect energy information and their visualization using 3D building models

Methodology to collect energy information and their visualization using 3D building models

This deliverable belongs to the activities related to the development of a methodology to collect energy information and visualization it using 3D models (A.T1.4).

Newsletter BOOSTEE-CE No.4

Newsletter BOOSTEE-CE No.4

The fourth newsletter of the BOOSTEE-CE project brings following news:

Best practices and investments return models

Best practices and investments return models

Partners regions have collected the best practice examples from their countries on various financial investments return models through which market-enabling actions for large investments are highlighted.

BOOSTEE-CE Newsletter No.3

BOOSTEE-CE Newsletter No.3

The third newsletter of the BOOSTEE-CE project brings the introduction of next three partners of the BOOSTEE-CE project, news on both partners and project level, OnePlace Platform with its 4 modules and...

Boosting EE in Zlín Region through Smart Energy Management

Boosting EE in Zlín Region through Smart Energy Management

Energy efficiency in public buildings is among the main tasks for the Energetická agentura Zlínského kraje, EAZK. By joining the international project BOOSTEE-CE, a new and innovative approach in this...

Measurement of the indoor environment in the school buildings of the Zlín Region involved in Interreg Central Europe project BOOSTEE-CE

Measurement of the indoor environment in the school buildings of the Zlín Region involved in Interreg Central Europe project BOOSTEE-CE

The indoor environment of school buildings has been a frequently topic for the last few years and therefore the Energy Agency of the Zlín Region participates in the BOOSTEE-CE project.

BOOSTEE-CE Newsletter No.2

BOOSTEE-CE Newsletter No.2

The second newsletter of BOOSTEE-CE project brings the introduction of the first 3D building models elaborated by project partners, online viewer for presentation of pilot projects within OnePlace platform...